Mapping genetic connections between coral reefs allows scientists to identify and prioritize those acting as regional larval sources.
Gold nanoparticles could help coral reefs avoid extinction
Innovative cryopreservation technique revives adult corals, safeguarding their genetic material to seed future populations.
Genetic diversity can help coral reefs fight climate change
New experiments on coral reefs show that transplanting genetically diverse coral is key to restoration success.
‘Sticky questions’ raised by study on coral reefs
While extreme heat from climate change caused bleaching among the less disturbed coral reefs, those located in more populated and polluted waters adapted.
An eco-friendly putty made from vegetable oil boosts coral reef recovery
This ocean-safe putty was designed to help seed new coral reefs, offering a much-needed replacement for hardware store products.
The colorful secret behind stingrays’ electric blue spots
Dive into the mesmerizing world of sharks and rays, where vibrant blues emerge through never-before-seen structural colors.
Seahorse-inspired grabbing robots to help clean up our oceans
Researchers take a lead from seahorse tails to develop grasping robots that could help clear up trash from our oceans.
Seeking life on Mars: What you need to know about the Perseverance mission
The Perseverance rover will explore the Martian Jezero Crater and collect the first rock samples from the Red Planet.
The effects of ocean warming
Marine biologist Ian Bouyoucos investigated blacktip reef sharks in French Polynesia. In this interview, he reveals that not everything in this paradise is as it should be thanks to climate change.
Digital Surveys Reveal the Complexity of Rivers and Coastlines
Drones and three-dimensional modelling methods provide us with the most detailed picture yet of some of the most dynamic environments on the planet.