The replacement of rigid parts could help robots more closely mimic the humble worm to help them squeeze into tight spots.
Crawling out of the shadows: Arthropods as vertebrate predators
New research is uncovering the importance of small predatory species in shaping ecosystems and managing threatened populations.
Meet Tumro, a jumping robot inspired by beetles
With its unique carbon fiber skeleton, this jumping robot closely mimics the energy-storing tissue found in insects.
A new soft sensor gives robots the power to see, feel, and make decisions
Groundbreaking soft sensors enable robots to both see and feel, paving the way for robots that can autonomously interact with and understand their environment.
Stick insects move robotics forward
Researchers use stick insect locomotion as inspiration for machine learning approaches to teaching robots how to walk.
Biobots made from roundworms
Scientists are turning to C. elegans for biobot designs, guiding their movement through reconfigurable microtopographies.
Light-Powered Robotic Snails
How a light-powered snail is addressing scalability in robotics.
Microtruck Delivery Service: Transporting Microcargo using Amoeboid Cells
Amoeboid cell microtransporters carry microcargo in an independent, self-organized fashion.
New Entries to the Advanced Intelligent Systems Special Series
There are new top papers in Advanced Intelligent Systems special series. All included papers are free to read for a limited time!
Soft Wheels and Rotary Motors Based on Peristaltic Motion
The Mazzeo Research Group has designed soft motors by combining pneumatically-driven elastomeric structures with peristaltic motion.