Rigid elements are holding soft robots back from their full potential, and new research suggests swapping in fluid-based systems.
Soft robots in space
Although the idea of soft robots in space exploration is still far from becoming a reality, there are obvious advantages that are driving researchers to pursue the possibility.
Improving autonomy in soft robots using magnetic fluids
A new strategy allows researchers control robotic movement using fluids, creating flexible, untethered systems with promising applications.
Actuating soft robots: Agile and forceful
Researchers develop dual-responsive muscle-like soft actuators with both dexterity and high mechanical strength.
Electrically Driven Bio-Inspired Soft Robots
Researchers design a bio-inspired batoid robot from non-toxic hydrogels operated with Au microelectrodes.
The Betentacled One: Soft Robots that Move in Three Dimensions
Soft robotic tentacles that can be manipulated using pressurization have been developed by the Whitesides group at Harvard.
A new soft sensor gives robots the power to see, feel, and make decisions
Groundbreaking soft sensors enable robots to both see and feel, paving the way for robots that can autonomously interact with and understand their environment.
Creating soft components for robots that return to nature
A soft, biodegradable actuator that could drive the motion of biodegradable robots and a future in symbiosis with human operators.
Crawling Earthworm robots get a soft polymer boost
The replacement of rigid parts could help robots more closely mimic the humble worm to help them squeeze into tight spots.
Building soft microrobots on demand from active colloids
A new soft microrobot harnesses electromagnetic and thermal energy at the nanoscale to self-assemble from colloidal nanomachines.