Advanced Materials has a new look: the Anywhere Article

by | Mar 17, 2015

The default view for articles published in Advanced Materials is now the Anywhere Article, Wiley’s enhanced HTML article.

If you have visited the Advanced Materials homepage this week, you will likely have noticed our new look: the default view for articles is now the Anywhere Article, Wiley’s enhanced HTML article.

The Anywhere Article is designed to increase readability by providing you, our readers, with a clutter-free reading experience on any device. If you’re used to reading scientific articles in PDF format, you’ll likely find that the Anywhere Article provides a similar experience, with additional enhancements that make it even easier to get all the important information you need.

As you read an article, you can view the full reference information in a popup window, without navigating away from your position in the text. Figures appear within the article text, but can also be viewed in the article figure browser, which lets you to easily view all the figures in an article.  The figure caption is displayed clearly below the figure in the browser, and options to zoom in on the image, download a figure as a slide, and navigate to a particular figure within the text are also available on the same screen. Links to the author and article information and to the PDF version of the article are accessible along the left side of the screen and remain in place as you scroll through the article.

You can access the Anywhere Article via the “Article” links on the Advanced Materials homepage or by clicking the “Enhanced Article (HTML)” link on the homepages of the other journals in the Advanced Materials journal family.

If you take a look at the new format and then decide that you prefer the“old” version, there’s a link at the top of each article page that will bring you back to the standard view.

We’d be thrilled to know what you think—share your thoughts in the comment box below or by using the Enhanced Article Feedback links in the articles

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If you’d like to know more about the Anywhere Article, please visit:

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