Measures that could have been taken at the beginning of the pandemic were not implemented as precautionary preparation but rather as reactionary to an already spreading virus, making it hard to contain.

Measures that could have been taken at the beginning of the pandemic were not implemented as precautionary preparation but rather as reactionary to an already spreading virus, making it hard to contain.
Canadian researchers create technology that reads cancer biomarker like a blood-sugar monitor.
Much like a zipper, carbene molecules cooperate on a gold surface to join two rows of atoms into one row, resulting — step by step — in a new surface structure.
With computer models and lab experiments, researchers are working on a strategy for vaccines that could protect against any influenza virus.
A new mechanism to produce powerful biodegradable elastomers with a promising future in tissue regeneration.
Driven by a machine learning algorithm, the closed-loop biohybrid device maintained a set membrane voltage in human stem cells for 10 hours.
Unless growth in plastic production and use is halted, a fundamental transformation of the plastic economy to a framework based on recycling is essential.
The gravitational push and pull by Jupiter’s moons could account for more warming than the gas giant Jupiter alone.
Researchers capture high-powered microscopic images showing startlingly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads on human respiratory surfaces.
While studying asteroid Bennu up close, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft witnessed periodic outbursts of material being kicked up from the surface; a dedicated observation campaign revealed details of the activity.