Mystery solved! Scientists finally understand the origin of the colors observed in the first color photographs taken by physicist Edmond Becquerel in 1848.
Exchanging heat for pressure: An efficient route to processing titanium alloys
Researchers report a fast and efficient titanium alloy processing technique that requires up to 50% less heat.
Scientists create supervised randomness to mimic our own neural network
Controlling the probability of a series of seemingly random events is the key to mimicking the human brain to optimize neuromorphic learning.
Humans are not the first to repurpose CRISPR
A recent study discovers that CRISPR can be used for a number of different purposes by diverse biological entities, not just humans and bacteria.
Device could “hear” disease through structures housing cells
A device uses sound waves to detect the stiffness of an extracellular matrix, a structural network that contains cells, which researchers find can indicate the spread of disease.
How do you power billions of sensors? By converting waste heat into electricity
Researchers at Osaka University are helping to power portable sensors that do not use batteries by generating electricity from heat that is otherwise wasted.
A single drug therapy to fight resistant cancers
One drug, three modes of action: Clinicians combat the drug resistances of some cancer types by using a combination of different drugs.
One step closer to organic batteries
York University researchers have discovered a way to make lithium-powered batteries more environmentally friendly while retaining performance, stability and storage capacity.
Making puffer fish toxin in a flask: Total synthesis of tetrodotoxin
Scientists create a new route for the total synthesis of tetrodotoxin, a molecule in puffer fish that has promising medicinal benefits, such as pain relief.
A resilient robotic bug
Researchers at Dartmouth have developed a miniature robotic bug that has a flexible body, is easily maneuverable, and can be completely flattened without damaging its functionality.