The remarkably agile arms of the octopus are a source of inspiration for the design of autonomous robots.

The remarkably agile arms of the octopus are a source of inspiration for the design of autonomous robots.
Researchers develop a biomimetic flow channel module that facilitates continuous process water analysis in washing machines.
Intrinsic or tightly integrated sensing, actuation, and computation embedded into 3D structures could enable a new generation of truly smart and complex systems, such as robots that have human-like dexterity.
A new machine learning algorithm that can predict battery performance and failure beyond the expert level.
Enhancing the safety of minimally invasive surgical instruments through external magnetic control.
By exploiting the capabilities of 3D printing, high performance composite magnets can be precisely patterned into complex shapes and architectures.
The ability to collocate multiple functionalities will create new opportunities for the fabrication of “smart” soft robotic systems.
A new physical approach to the design of intelligent memory, logic, and cognitive devices for brain-like computation.
Designing a low-cost human-machine interface with specific function and desirable performance characteristics.
Advanced Intelligent Systems will publish multidisciplinary scientific and engineering research related to intelligent systems. The journal is now open for submission!