A nanoparticle targets mitochondria in cancer cells, offering a promising new strategy to tackle chemotherapy resistance tumor spread.

A nanoparticle targets mitochondria in cancer cells, offering a promising new strategy to tackle chemotherapy resistance tumor spread.
SARS-CoV-2 marker used to trigger the immune system against cancer, showing promise in shrinking tumors and improving survival in mice.
A 3D printing technique creates recyclable plastics with adjustable flexibility and strength for soft robots and medical devices.
Bone implants integrate better with the body when they mimic the natural handiness of molecules that make up our bones.
New drug reverses fentanyl overdoses by targeting opioid receptors outside the brain, avoiding withdrawal caused by traditional treatments.
Scientists uncover the role of soil fungi in improving crop yields and balancing complex plant-pollinator interactions.
A molecule emitted by rainforest plants plays a key role in forming mysterious aerosol particles in the region’s upper troposphere.
Study shows that starting exercise early helps condition cells to preserve motor neurons before age-related loss.
A hydrogel delivers therapeutic molecules to the brain after a stroke, promoting blood vessel regrowth and aiding recovery.
Researchers develop a device that generates clean energy from food waste, using banana peels and coconuts to power communities sustainably.