Monarch butterflies have inspired the design of 3D-printed robotic wings that rely on magnetic fields to generate their delicate movements.
Fungi could unlock the recycling of carbon fiber
Scientists have developed a process to recycle carbon fiber into valuable chemicals with the help of fungi.
What immune cells eat can determine how well they do their job
A new link between what cells feed on and their gene activity could have huge implications in cancer research and beyond.
Women with a genetic risk of depression are more likely to suffer from heart disease
Data from over 300,000 participants has revealed a potential genetic link between depression and cardiovascular disease in women.
New plastic material fully degrades in the ocean
A new material designed to dissolve only in salt water could help us prevent the accumulation of microplastics in the seas.
Evolutionary biology explains why we make bad long-term decisions
A new study unveils why humans evolved to prioritize short-term gratification over better long-term outcomes.
Scientists report airborne bacteria found in garbage may age our blood vessels
Pathogenic bioaerosols detected at household garbage collection sites may contribute to vascular aging with high chronic exposure.
Silk microneedles could restore wound healing in diabetic patients
Microneedles allow scientists to precisely control the delivery of drugs to chronic wound sites and restore natural healing processes.
Quantum entanglement allows scientists to track time more accurately
Scientists have built atomic clocks with unprecedented levels of precision by harnessing quantum entanglement.
How flickering lights cause hallucinations in our brains
Scientists have solved a centuries-old mystery that could help develop new forms of non-invasive brain therapy.