New research finds that more genetic features appear to be linked to sudden unexplained deaths in infants and toddlers.
A swarm of flying 3D printers inspired by bees
Modeled after nature’s builders, a swarm of 3D printing drones work together to build large structures while in flight.
Nanoparticles that self-assemble inside cells to fight cancer
This nanoparticle cancer therapy hijacks biological processes to target cancer cells and destroy them with self-assembling components.
Talking to strangers helps with learning
People routinely underestimate how much strangers may have to teach them.
Engineered peptides help boost natural defenses against influenza
Clumping proteins act as vaccine adjuvants, activating immune signalling pathways triggered by cell stress.
Always wanting more makes humans better learners
Though constant comparison can negatively impact our pursuit of happiness, this ingrained cognitive behavior has helped humans survive.
Colorful ventral wings help birds avoid mid-flight collisions
The colorful markings on birds’ wings act as signals to help them avoid perilously crashing into one another when flying in large groups.
Helmet-like hood protects snapping shrimp from their own shock waves
A natural orbital hood found in snapping shrimp deflects energy from shock waves they produce to kill prey and fight for territory.
Smooth or with a snap? The mechanics of the Venus flytrap
The reopening of the Venus flytrap may not always be smooth, and new research challenges our previous assumptions about its mechanics.
How seals’ whiskers help them hunt
Scientists reveal the highly sensitive nature of seal whiskers, which enable them to hunt effectively even in poor visual conditions.