The first independent issue of Advanced Optical Materials is now online, including a review on magnetoplasmonics as well as ten excellent, original research articles.
Recent Trends in Shape-Memory Polymers
The Trend article by Andreas Lendlein discusses the main synthetic challenges of designing shape-memory polymers.
Single Polymer Chain Folding – A Review
C. Barner-Kowollik highlights the most recent progress in the area of single polymer chain folding, aimed at mimicking natural biomacromolecules.
Maximum Resolution through Solid Immersion
Stefan Hell and co-workers have achieved maximum spatial resolution in far-field optical imaging by applying solid immersion lenses to stimulated emission depletion microscopy.
Advanced Optical Materials Issue 4
Issue 4 of Advanced Optical Materials covers optical cloaking, holography, lithography, and more. All articles are free to read.
Highly Unidirectional Emission from Ultrahigh-Q Microcavities
A new type of on-chip microcavities has been realized, which features both highly unidirectional emission and ultra-high-Q factors in the near infrared.
Towards Quantum Dot Lasers with Temperature Independent Threshold
Carefully engineered CdSe/CdS colloidal quantum dots show an almost constant amplified spontaneous emission threshold over a temperature range from 5–325 K.
Near-Field Enhancements along Ring-Shaped Nanostructures
The near-field enhancement on the surface of ring-shaped gold nanostructure becomes homogeneous through circularly polarized light.
Plasmon Bands in Gold-Silver Nanorods
Researchers from The Chinese University of Hong Kong have shown that there are four plasmon bands in (Au core)−(Ag shell) nanorods.
Large-Area Low-Cost Gold Nanostructures through Colloidal Nanolithography
Double split-ring resonators with optimized Fano resonances for refractive index sensing could be realised by hole-mask colloidal nanolithography.