New camera in the “ORCA II” which is pushing the limits in ultra-low light detection and now comes with a 1M pixel Back-thinned CCD (BT-CCD), cooled down to -90°C and programmable trigger signal output.
Scientific CMOS Camera
Scientific sCMOS camera “ORCA-Flash4.0 LT Gen II” scientific CMOS camera with excellent image quality and high reliability. It delivers 2x the speed, 3x the field of view and up to 5x the signal-to-noise of even the best interline CCD cameras.

EM-CCD Camera
Completly new camera „ImagEM X2“ featuring a back-thinned electron-multiplying CCD sensor (EM-CCD) with even faster speed than previous „ImagEM“ cameras. The new camera offers maximum speed and precision performance for low-light imaging.

Versatile sCMOS Camera
New versatile camera „ORCA-Flash4.0 V2“, a 4-megapixel scientific CMOS camera that offers unrivalled flexibility across a wide range of microscopy applications. The camera has many new features such as two scan speeds, a readout mode for light sheet microscopy, and USB 3.0 and Camera Link interfaces.

Next-Generation Micro-Photomultiplier
Next-generation micro photomultiplier “µPMT” for point-of-care testing and other applications. The shipping of samples to manufacturers of analytical and measurement instruments began in november.

Fast High-Resolution sCMOS Camera
Scientific camera „“ORCA-Flash4.0“ with a high sensitivity second-generation sCMOS detector which excels by high resolution and fast readout. It ist the first camera offering a better performance than all EM-CCD, CCD and first-generation sCMOS cameras for every fluorescence application.