Using thermosresponsive polymers to keep buildings cool.

Using thermosresponsive polymers to keep buildings cool.
Researchers demonstrate learning in a memristive device.
Professor Weiping Cai and co-workers have investigated the laser ablation/irradiation in liquid technique for producing nanomaterials.
Scientists have mimicked the shape of a butterfly wing to improve the sensitivity of Raman Spectroscopy.
Iron oxide nanoparticles can be used to provide a local source of heating in a thermoresponsive sol–gel copolymer solution.
A computing network that exhibits emergent behavior similar to that in biological brains is hypothesized by Adam Z. Stieg of the California NanoSystems Institute
A nanoparticle-based nerve agent detector is developed by researchers in Korea
Researchers demonstrate electrochemical actuation using graphene-based paper.
A new method to produce purer, more conductive graphene sheets has been developed by a Korean research team
Ultrabright Fluorescent Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles