A special issue of Advanced Materials on next-generation batteries.

A special issue of Advanced Materials on next-generation batteries.
Special issue on current research activities in materials science in Finland.
A novel on-chip dense waveguide sensor to detect single unlabeled nanoparticles.
Careful design of magnetic properties in nanoparticles of alloyed magnetically hard and soft ferrites leads to high-performing particles.
A recent special issue of Advanced Materials, issue 45 in 2017, was dedicated to highlighting nature-inspired surface and materials research at Beihang University in Beijing, China.
IR-driven transfer of plasmon-induced hot electrons in a nonmetallic branched heterostructure, by combining ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy with theoretical simulations, is demonstrated for the first time.
Issue 25/2017 of Advanced Materials is a special issue featuring research carried out at RIKEN-Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS).
Issue 20/2017 of Advanced Materials brings together a collection of review-type articles to highlight materials research at Wuhan University of Technology.
This year sees the 120th anniversary of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.
A chemically assisted focused-helium-ion-beam-induced etching process is introduced.