Disinfecting nanobots could be the key to preventing the failure of root canal fillings post-treatment.

Disinfecting nanobots could be the key to preventing the failure of root canal fillings post-treatment.
A pioneer of advanced healthcare materials, Nicholas Peppas continues to innovate in the fields of healthcare materials and drug delivery.
Researchers in Shanghai report a potential therapeutic based on Prussian blue to tackle Parkinson’s disease.
Inspired by microscopic hairs on gecko feet, scientists in South Korea have developed a shape-memory polymer that acts as a dry adhesive.
Magnetic seeds are guided toward cancer cells through tissues in the body, providing a safe means of treating hard-to-reach tumors.
Researchers hope that commercially available inhalers could be used to deliver novel treatment to infected lungs.
Molecular dynamics offer ways to improve lipid-based therapeutic delivery systems.
Researchers look to the guts of chickens’ ancestors to gain insights into domestication.
A part of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein could prove to be its Achilles’ heel.
Chemists improve the properties of bio-based resins using spent coffee grounds as a key ingredient.