Biopolymer-based 3D printable hydrogel for removing toxic metals from water.

Biopolymer-based 3D printable hydrogel for removing toxic metals from water.
Antimicrobial polymers as a promising alternative to traditional antibiotic treatments.
Pest Management Science: on climate change, resistance, the challenges and opportunities for RNA interference in pest management, and more.
A “butterfly” system of carbon nanotubes grafted with semiconducting polymers increases organic photovoltaic efficiency.
Precise gene editing could control weed populations.
Preventing disease by targeting new approaches for mosquito control
Herbicide discovery, aflatoxin reduction and molecular cytogenetics in pesticide resistance.
Exciting research shows gene amplification herbicide-resistance mechanism in weeds is more common that previously thought.
Impacts of fitness costs on herbicide resistance in weeds.
Legume development to improve the security and quality of food and feed.