Nothing fishy tasting here, reducing oxidation of fish oil extract in fortified granola bars.

Nothing fishy tasting here, reducing oxidation of fish oil extract in fortified granola bars.
You can chop ripe tomatoes and sprinkle them with salt and pepper to fully appreciate their taste. Alternatively, you can lyse tomatoes in a hypertonic buffer to appreciate their proteome.
Using a proteomics approach, Drs. Paulo and Gygi from the Harvard Medical School provide evidence that nicotine exposure changes the abundance of membrane proteins implicated in signal transduction and autophagy.
The adipokinetic hormone (AKH), an insect analog of the human hormone glucagon, is a central regulator of energy homeostasis and lipid mobilization in insects. Silencing of the AKH-receptor leads to fly obesity.
Fat is stored in adipocytes in the adipose tissue. In addition, the tissue contains other cell types including fibroblasts, vascular endothelial cells, immune cells and preadipocytes.
Surgical injury induces a system stress response which is associated with an over-activation of the innate immune response and a subsequent immunosuppression in the early post-operative period.