Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University have obtained magnetic stem cells with low toxicity and enough stable for gene engineering applications.
Proteins Feel the Pinch with DNA Nanotweezers
In a study published in the new journal Advanced Biosystems, scientists from the University of Hong Kong demonstrated that it is possible to use a DNA aptamer split across a tweezer such that the presence of the target protein triggers the DNA tweezer mechanism.
Diamonds for prosthetic vision
Diamond based epiretinal devices offer the hope of improved prosthetic vision for blind patients.
Advanced Healthcare Materials Celebrates Its New Impact Factor!
In the recently released 2015 Journal Citation report, Advanced Healthcare Materials received its first two-year full Impact Factor of 5.79
Tissue Implantable Insulin Sensors
A team from MIT explores the dynamics and operation of a hypothetical insulin sensor using a model for glucose, insulin and glucagon circulating in the body.
New strategy for individualized cancer treatment
Dr. Xian-Zheng Zhang and co-workers have fabricated a biodegradable chimeric peptide for cancer therapy and real-time apoptosis imaging.
Microscopic switch shines a light on drug delivery
Researchers in Australia have developed a microscopic on-off light to help investigate how drug delivery systems interact with cells.
Mimicking inflammation with a biomimetic interface
An interface that models inflammation and infection will allow researchers to investigate biomolecular dynamics changes in local microenvironments.
Programmable vaccine release from silk microneedles
Implantable silk composite microneedles for programmable vaccine release kinetics and enhanced immunogenicity in transcutaneous immunization.
Evaluating chemotherapeutic response in breast cancer
The need to develop biocompatible and biodegradable materials has intensified as the fields of bioengineering and regenerative medicine come of age.