Wei Chen and co-workers control the thickness of a carbon shell encapsulating precious metal catalysts to yield efficient electrocatalysts.

Wei Chen and co-workers control the thickness of a carbon shell encapsulating precious metal catalysts to yield efficient electrocatalysts.
A simple method implementing epidermal growth factor encapsulated in a biodegradable hydrogel aids wound healing.
A freeze-drying procedure facilitates uniform drug loading of microparticles for efficient drug delivery.
Graphene oxide is effective in combating early-stage formation of biofilms, resulting in dental care advances.
Discover how iodide can be used to control the shape of bimetallic nanoparticles for application in catalysis, solar-energy conversion and therapeutics.
The latest research results in energy and catalysis from the Chinese research community are highlighted in a Special Issue published in Particle & Particle Systems Characterization
Luis Liz-Marzán and Sara Bals present a collection of selected contributions by different researchers who are recognised as experts in the field of structural characterization as well as on optical and catalytic properties of nanoparticles.
Researchers highlight the potential and current biological and biomedical applications of micro- and nanoparticle research.
Researchers at Nankai University report the design and engineering of a recombinant protein that can be used for drug-delivering hydrogels.
Luis Liz Marzán of CIC biomaGUNE presents the latest on materials science in the Basque Country in Particle & Particle Systems Characterization.