Ultrasonic specialist Sonotec introduced a digital ultrasonic testing device including touchscreen technology
Technologies for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
Schaeffler is expanding in the electric mobility sector.
Ford uses foam and plastic made from CO2
Ford is the first automaker to develop foams and plastics using captured CO2 for its vehicle lineup
Light Rider is the world’s first 3D-printed motorcycle
APWorks developed a lightweight motorcycle using bionic design and a selective 3D laser printing system
New ultrafiltration membrane for offshore application
GE’s new ZeeWeed* 700B Ultrafiltration membrane for seawater pretreatment, removal of sulfate and suspended solids.
Tiny microbots clean up water
Max Planck researchers have developed self-propelled tiny ‘microbots’ that can remove lead or organic pollutions from contaminated water.
Award for innovative release film
Infiana receives AIMCAL Award for its novel FlexPLAS release film
Electricity from waste heat
For the first time so-called thermoelectric materials reliably convert waste heat directly into electricity.
New world record for polymer solar cells
Polymer solar cells could be cheaper and more reliable thanks to Swedish and Chinese researchers.
Some like it hot
Heat resistant innovations from Lapp for applications in hot ambient conditions like power stations, blast furnaces and motors