
New Modules in the “VisUV” ps Pulsed Laser Platform

Two new pulsed laser modules have been introduced, rounding out the “VisUV” platform line-up. Up to now, modules based on this platform provided laser pulses at 266 nm, 355 nm, and 532 nm, either individually or in combination with one or two other wavelengths. The new module “VisUV-1064” emits picosecond pulsed laser light at 1064 nm with an average optical power of more than 1 W, the “VisUV-532-HP” provides high-powered sub-nanosecond pulses at 532 nm with an average optical power of up to 750 mW.

Combining of Fluorescence Microscopy with an AFM

Combination of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) with the single-molecule-sensitive fluorescence microscopy platform “MicroTime 200” that grants fascinating insights into the structure, dynamics, and interactions of single molecules or their assemblies in cells.

Supercontinuum Laser Sources With Unmatched Flexibility

Stand-alone, supercontinuum laser source “Solea” with unmatched flexibility in repetition rate. Variants covering two spectral domains ranging from 480 to 700 nm (“Solea”) or 900 nm (“SoleaR”) are available featuring either a tunable wavelength selector or only emitting the full supercontinuum spectrum (white variants).