Using a hydrogel coated with electrospun nanofiber, a new artery graft offers safer coronary artery bypass interventions.

Using a hydrogel coated with electrospun nanofiber, a new artery graft offers safer coronary artery bypass interventions.
A search for environmentally friendly inks led researchers to microalgae biofactories, providing a renewable biomass solution.
Future astronauts may be protected from galactic cosmic rays thanks to a novel organ-on-chip system containing interconnected human tissue.
Preventing sudden and unexpected death hinges on accurately predicting the onset of epileptic seizures, even those with the rarest occurrences.
Global warming caused by human action has continued to increase, even though climate action has slowed the rise in greenhouse gas emissions.
This robotic feeding system trained with machine learning will transform lives, giving independence to those with severe mobility issues.
A haptic sleeve combines a new kind of on-demand information with soft textiles, taking haptic technology to new levels.
These biohybrid machines combine robotics with living tissues to create flexible robots powered by biology.
Gold nanoparticle clusters boosted the efficiency of titanium dioxide in degrading a toxic dye called methyl orange.
DeepStalk does away with a hard shell for a soft body and integrated parts to function under pressure and explore the deep sea.