A soft, biodegradable actuator that could drive the motion of biodegradable robots and a future in symbiosis with human operators.
A deeper look at quantum tunneling lays the groundwork for new discoveries
Vital to the fusion process and used in a wealth of technological applications, new research shows quantum tunneling is still delivering surprises.
Lack of thick atmosphere for Trappist 1c shows JWST is ready to hunt for signs of life
Recent investigations of this rocky exoplanet signify a significant milestone in planetary science and for the James Webb Space Telescope.
Testing the limits of mechanical plastic recycling
A new study looked at the extent to which plastics can be recycled using mechanical methods, finding good and bad news.
Dark energy telescope reveals early look at almost two million cosmic objects
Galaxies, quasars, and stars… oh my! Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) first data is a small fraction of the huge cosmic survey it will conduct.
Sniffing out lung diseases with a portable E-Nose
Revolutionizing respiratory disease detection with a portable E-Nose for non-invasive breath analysis.
Tough but stretchable material could improve rechargeable lithium batteries
A tough gel electrolyte protects lithium metal anodes for safer and more efficient rechargeable batteries.
A thread-like neurological probe offers unprecedented insights into the brain
An ultra-thin and flexible probe could improve scientists’ ability to measure neurological activity in the brain.
A biodegradable drone for environmental monitoring
The forest floor should be able to make a meal out of this new drone made of almost completely from biodegradable parts.
Dying star caught by astronomers enjoying planet-sized last meal
The observations of the death-row star and an unfortunate planet give us an advanced preview of Earth’s final fate.