In response to stress, cells must quickly reprogram gene expression to adapt and survive. This is achieved in part by altering levels of mRNAs and their translation into proteins.
Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems: A Status-Quo Analysis
Decentralized renewable energy systems are promising options to cope with the challenge of balancing local production and energy consumption.
Stem Cell-Macrophage Interactions with Ferumoxytol and Ferumoxytol-derived Nanoparticles
“Off the shelf” allogeneic stem cell transplants and stem cell nano‐composites are being used for the treatment of degenerative bone diseases. However, major and minor histocompatibility antigens of therapeutic cell transplants can be recognized as foreign and lead to their rejection by the host immune system.
Recent Advances of Light-Based Single-Molecule Approaches for Studying Biomolecules
Recent advances in single‐molecule techniques have led to new discoveries in analytical chemistry, biophysics, and medicine. Understanding the structure and behavior of single biomolecules provides a wealth of information compared to studying large ensembles.
RNAs in the Spliceosome: Insights from CryoEM Structures
Recent high‐resolution cryoEM structures of various spliceosomal complexes reveal unprecedented details of this large molecular machine.
Rnt1p: An Alternative to RNAi for Targeted RNA Degradation
The double‐stranded RNA‐binding protein family controls RNA editing, stability, and function in all eukaryotes.
Risks of Nonstate Action in Sustainability and Climate Governance
The more engagement the better?
Generating and Working with Drosophila Cell Cultures
Challenges and opportunities to improve the state of Drosophila cell cultures.
Modelling the Architecture of the Cell Nucleus
Polymer physics is the basis to models that explain chromatin folding mechanisms.
Adapting to Climate Change Together
Adaptability would reduce vulnerability to global climate change, but requires better communication between researchers in the field.