Technology Needs Assessments are discussed as a useful part of the preparation of nationally determined contributions for all countries.
Talking Back: Development of the Olivocochlear Efferent System
A review of the role of olivocochlear neuron development in human hearing.
Reliability Analysis of Offshore Grids: An Overview of Recent Research
Highlighting the possible development of offshore networks in the North Sea.
Modularized Production of Fuels: From Distributed, Wasted, or Stranded Feedstocks
Waste carbon could displace about 10 percent of the petroleum imported by the US, while simultaneously consuming wastes that are now economically or environmentally burdensome.
Recent Trends in Charging Infrastructure Planning
Where should charging stations be placed for electric vehicles?
Taming Godavari River: Navigating through Religious, Developmental and Environmental Narratives
Multiple socio-cultural and political imaginaries associated with the urban riverscapes, in India, are emphasizing the religious symbolism(s) of the river, and recently, are transforming riverscapes into sites of capital accumulation.
Next Generation Interactive Tool as a Backbone for Universal Access to Electricity
Electrification planning in rural areas and in developing countries most often relies on the outputs of specialized analytical tools that support geographically-referenced analyses
Off-Grid Solar Systems in the Global South
Small solar systems seem to have a significant impact in terms of quality of life for their users and in helping them to keep connected to the global world.
Envisioning the Future of Polymer Therapeutics for Brain Disorders
Polymer therapeutics represent promising novel chemical entities under development for addressing CNS disorders, in which intravenous and intranasal administration are the most appealing strategies to achieve this paramount goal.
Overcoming Public Resistance to Carbon Taxes
A study recently published in WIREs Climate Change summarizes the findings of 39 empirical studies testing why people do not like carbon taxes.