Throughout development and into adulthood, Wnt proteins ensure embryonic patterning, cellular proliferation, cellular identity, and organization of tissues.
The Drop that Makes A Vase Overflow
Understanding Maya society through daily water management.
Genetic Variants in mRNA Untranslated Regions
Discussing the mechanisms of UTR regulation, the role of genetic variants in modulating RNA processing, and protein production in human disease.
Shedding New Light on Accidents caused by Kerosene Lamps
Kerosene lamps in the household are thought to cause millions of accidents every year, but a new study reveals that interventions proposed to improve kerosene safety might not have the intended impact.
Role of Fault Ride-Through Strategies for Power Grids
A vast range of advanced fault ride-through strategies have been proposed for renewable energy sources, enabling fast recovery and improved network support during faults in the electricity network
Technical and Social Problems of Nuclear Waste
The waste forms produced during the process of generating nuclear energy constitute a nearly intractable management problem because of technical and social factors.
Emerging Technologies, Markets and Commercialization of Solid Electrolytic Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen is now rapidly developing as a renewable fuel for both stationary and transport applications.
Water in Mountain Ecosystems with a Mediterranean Climate
Predicting and managing resources in a changing climate requires an understanding of plant-accessible subsurface water storage.
Wind Power within European Grid Codes: Evolution, Status and Outlook
Today, wind power plant developers and wind turbine manufacturers increasingly face power system stability support requirements similar to conventional power stations. These new requirements intend to make wind power plant behavior more similar to conventional power stations.
Deep Brain Stimulation Therapies in Parkinson’s Disease
From individual neuron models to cutting-edge control approaches, the evolution of computer methods for deep brain simulation (DBS) can lead to personalized DBS therapy.