With population growth and fast socio-economic development, water shortage is becoming a serious issue worldwide.

Signaling and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Intestinal Stem Cells and Progenitors
A recent review discusses the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms underlying intestinal cell plasticity.

Emerging Roles of Transit-Amplifying Cells in Tissue Regeneration and Cancer
Transit-amplifying cells TACs have long been viewed as a passive population that just cranks out tissues. A new review challenges this view.
Understanding Mouth Development
The mouth is essential for eating and has ancient origins. A new review looks at the evolution of the mouth and insights into the vertebrate mouth opening from the frog Xenopus laevis.
Achieving Robust Results on the Causes of Recent Global Warming
A recent review discussed the difficulties of applying, through the use of Global Climate Models, the idea of robustness in climatic attribution studies, i.e., the search for the fundamental causes of recent global warming.

RNA Structure, Binding, and Coordination in Arabidopsis
In a recent WIREs RNA review, researchers discuss the recent explosion of data in the field of post-transcriptional regulation in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. (Image credit: Gio.tto/Shutterstock)
The Role of Theology and Imagination in Climate Ethics
In a focus article recently published within WIREs Climate Change, Clingerman and O’Brien analyze these two very different ways of framing the moral problem of climate change, proposing that each leads to different outcomes for climate ethics and policy.
Throughfall Drop Size Distributions: A Review and Prospectus for Future Research
Whathappens under a tree, or in the forest, when it rains? The answer to this fundamental question has occupied generations of forest hydrologists, forest ecologists, and biogeochemists.

Chimeric RNAs in Cancer and Normal Physiology
Chimeric RNAs can be generated by not only chromosomal rearrangements at the DNA level, but also intergenic splicing at the RNA level. Chimeric RNAs are demonstrated to be not the elusive features of cancer cells, but also present in normal physiology and with diverse functions.

Electrophysiological Analysis of Synaptic Transmission in Drosophila
An overview of how synaptic transmission is assayed in the Drosophila neuromuscular and central nervous systems.