A recent review discusses various molecular modeling modules in PyMOL, covering those for visualization and analysis enhancement, protein-ligand modeling, molecular simulations and drug screening.

A recent review discusses various molecular modeling modules in PyMOL, covering those for visualization and analysis enhancement, protein-ligand modeling, molecular simulations and drug screening.
Nanotechnology possesses great potential to overcome shortcomings of existing strategies for safe and effective retinal drug delivery.
A checklist for citizen science projects was developed based on a review of key success factors from previous projects reported in literature.
Nanoparticles can assist in treatment of Head and Neck Cancer patients by optimizing distribution of chemotherapy drugs for better outcomes and less side effects.
A review of the methods for modeling and analyzing online user behaviors found in social networks.
Zika virus is an emerging mosquito-borne infectious disease linked to recent outbreaks of birth defects.
Carbon pricing is a recurrent theme in debates on climate policy. As there is much misunderstanding about the many reasons to implement a global carbon price, ideological resistance against it prospers.
Do not expect RNA to sit still. Although structural investigations typically illustrate a single, more or less static picture of an RNA, most RNAs most undergo conformational changes to exert their cellular function.
Nanofluidic implantables represent a recent advance in a broad effort for developing personalized, point-of-care medical technologies.
A diverse range of nanomaterials with different physicochemical characteristics have been developed to stimulate the immune system and battle cancer.