Christopher J. Duffy attempts to trace the historical theme of the terrestrial hydrologic cycle as it was understood and represented by scholars of natural philosophy.

Same Signal, Different Tissues: Morphogen Interpretation
How developmental cues specify these distinct cell types in embryos and coordinate their patterning into functional tissues is one of the fundamental questions of developmental biology.
Archaeologists Role in Water Management Issues
An opinion article addressing the unique professional understanding that archaeologists can contribute to contemporary water management.

Climate Change and Individual Duty
Do we actually have a moral duty to refrain from actions that are typically climate-unfriendly?

In vitro Microfluidic Models of Tumor Microenvironment to Screen Transport of Drugs and Nanoparticles
Microfluidics offer significant advantages over traditional macroscale cell cultures by enabling recapitulation of the tumor microenvironment through precise control of physiological cues such as hydrostatic pressure, shear stress, oxygen, and nutrient gradients.

Microexons: Discovery, Regulation, and Function
Microexon regulation has the ability to modulate protein properties, including mechanistic links to diseases like autism.

Engineering the Biomolecular Machinery for Synthetic Biological Circuits
The control of gene expression is an important tool for metabolic engineering, the design of synthetic gene networks, gene-function analysis, and protein manufacturing. This review article discusses the potential of the modular design of novel regulatory proteins fashioned after the topology and mechanochemical properties of the lactose repressor.

Nanoescapology: Progress toward Understanding the Endosomal Escape of Polymeric Nanoparticles
An introduction to the mechanisms governing internalization and trafficking in cells; and a discussion of methods to detect endosomal escape and recent advances in controlling endosomal escape from polymer- and lipid-based nanoparticles are presented in this recent Review.

Gold Nanoparticle-Mediated Photothermal Therapy: Applications and Opportunities for Multimodal Cancer Treatment
Photothermal therapy that uses gold nanoparticles to convert light to heat is effective against cancer both alone and combined with other therapeutic strategies is reviewed.

The Effects of Nanomaterials on Blood Coagulation in Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Investigating how nanomaterials interact with the components involved in blood coagulation is an important step towards utilizing nanomedicine safely without causing dysregulation of hemostasis that could result in serious thrombotic and/or hemorrhagic pathologies.