P(VDF-CTFE)-PTU composite with significantly elevated statistical breakdown field and the promoted charge-discharge efficiency has been successfully synthesized.

P(VDF-CTFE)-PTU composite with significantly elevated statistical breakdown field and the promoted charge-discharge efficiency has been successfully synthesized.
Supramolecules based on the flat-on P3HT chains and grafted rGO nanosheets in the P3HT:PCBM active layers have shown improved performance as photovoltaic devices.
At the 2017 Fall ACS meeting in Washington DC, Luis M. Campos receives the Journal of Polymer Science Innovation Award and a symposium in his honor.
Energized fabrics could keep soldiers warm and battle-ready in extreme climatic operating environments.
Stable composites with high specific capacitance using a simple in situ anodic polymerization technique are synthesized.