A low temperature water-splitting protocol uses microwave power in lieu of concentrated solar energy.
Molecular swarm rearranges surface structures atom by atom
Much like a zipper, carbene molecules cooperate on a gold surface to join two rows of atoms into one row, resulting — step by step — in a new surface structure.
Nobel prize in chemistry 2020: Precision genome editing
For the first time, two women share the Nobel prize for chemistry. Their work with CRISPR helped usher in a new generation of precision genome editing.
Carbon-carbon bonds are more flexible than thought
Researchers at Hokkaido University call into question the strong and stable image of the carbon-carbon single bond.
How sticky gold could “pull off” the next big thing in semiconductor technology
Pressing a layered crystal onto a gold surface is all it takes to pull off a 2D atomic layer, a method that outperforms scotch tape on industrially relevant scales.
Imagining how “synthetic topology” could reform carbon dioxide catalysis
Solid-state physicists and materials chemists are now in excellent “shape” to expand and accelerate their explorations of the science of topological materials for a wide range of possible applications.
Towards long-lasting lithium-sulfur batteries
A new titanium nitride sulfur composite reduces the notorious shuttle effect and improves the overall performance of lithium-sulfur batteries.
A new design for better redox flow batteries
A new design for vanadium redox flow batteries could help fundamental research and accelerate commercialization of this energy storage technology.
Selective cross-coupling of reactive lithium compounds made possible
A new catalyst facilitates the first general protocol for the cross-coupling of aryl chlorides and reactive organolithium reagents.
Ion-Pump Photovoltaics
Inspired by nature, researchers create a new kind of photoelectric generator based on a bacterial ion pump.