Deepening trust in relationships by broadening and diversifying them could improve climate efforts on the global scale.

Deepening trust in relationships by broadening and diversifying them could improve climate efforts on the global scale.
Replacing animal testing with the ever-growing capabilities of AI and deep learning could help minimize the need for animals in scientific discovery.
It is my hope that with the collaborative efforts of a unified world, the dark tones of the fossil fuel reliance and heavy pollution will fade to become a distant echo of our past.
AI gaming technology will appear in the classroom in the near future, perhaps making it more accessible and lowering the cost of education for so many that need it.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way in which we teach, but it doesn’t have to be all bad.
The Climate 21 project lays out a program for a multilateral, comprehensive, speedy, and effective change to a green energy infrastructure, one that will help mitigate the negative effects of a changing climate.
Freeness of scientific literature is undeniably a highly desirable concept, but it is accompanied by a responsibility that we have not yet structurally realized.
Animal testing remains a principle screening tool in the drug discovery pipeline, but are they reliable and could there be alternatives to replace them?
Could a new understanding of silicon surfaces someday revolutionize semiconductor technologies?
How can we overcome bullying within academia?