Using windows to heat a room at night.
Reusable, 3D Printable Hydrogels for Water Purification
Biopolymer-based 3D printable hydrogel for removing toxic metals from water.
Earth Day 2019: Digital Control Technology for Renewable Energy
Digital management is the key to realizing renewable energy on a year-round, global scale.
Earth Day 2019: Easy Access to Clean Drinking Water
Using cellulose-based fibers and nanotechnology to remove arsenic from drinking water.
Earth Day 2019: The Mother of Green Materials
A new process for making biomimetic materials.
Earth Day 2019: Solar Hydrogen Fusion Used… to Make Hydrogen?
A solar cell that makes its own storable fuel.
Valuing Fresh Waters
Fresh waters are plural and valued variously, in ways that bear critical‐constructive decolonial scrutiny in the twenty‐first century.
Break More Bread: How Plasma Enhances Wheat Germination
A team of researchers from Ireland report on the mechanisms of how atmospheric cold plasma (APC) improves the germination of seeds.
Why Should Biologists Become More Like Climate Scientists?
Now that climate scientists can make better projections of climate change, biologists need to project and prevent its impacts on biodiversity.
Hydrogen Fuel from Seawater
Researchers have devised a way to generate hydrogen fuel using solar power, electrodes, and saltwater from San Francisco Bay.