Drones and three-dimensional modelling methods provide us with the most detailed picture yet of some of the most dynamic environments on the planet.
Advancing Predictive Understanding of River Corridor Exchange
Unifying river corridor science through systematic re-evaluation of methods in the context of broader conceptual models and quantitative theory.
Nanofilter for Quick and Clean Water
A nano-filter that can rapidly clean dirty water over 100 times faster than current technologies.
The Agnotology of Carbon Dioxide
We all see the smoke; can we afford to ignore the fire? The climate doomsday clock is ticking!
Political Economy of Water Infrastructure
“Financialization” of water infrastructure concerning the processes and infrastructure through which water is produced and distributed.
Heat Under Your Feet Identifies Groundwater Flow
In many cases, standard approaches for analysing temperature-depth profiles to trace groundwater flow are now invalid because climate change has warmed the land surface and created an inversion in the geothermal gradient.
Multilayer, All-Aqueous Emulsion Droplets as Highly Biocompatible Material Templates [Video]
High-order, organic-solvent-free emulsions could have valuable applications in the pharmaceutical and food industries for encapsulating active ingredients.
Improving Management of Water Distribution Systems by Understanding Microbial Ecology
Operators are now increasingly being held accountable to ensure delivered water is safe for human consumption, yet little is understood on how to best to manage these living engineered systems.
Who Gives A Dam About Beavers?
Working with beavers could help us to design holistic urban and suburban green spaces in the future.
Packaging Moving Particles in Solid Materials
A visible color change occurs when active nanocomposites are heated and re-cooled, which is attributed to the mobility of the nanoparticles embedded inside the material.