The recent developments in renewable energy generation and storage, the current policy strategies, and the integration of AP.
Water Sharing Across Cultures: Gifts, Exchanges, and other Transfers between Households
Household water sharing is rarely studied by scholars, but is crucial to human survival all around the world.
Wearable Mercury Detection: It’s A Kind Of Magic
Wearable mercury sensors will radically change the field of food and water analysis.
What Can Stable Isotopes of Water Tell Us About Snow Hydrology?
Insights into how melting snow is partitioned within the water cycle.
Assessing the Ability for Cities to Contribute to the Global Response to Climate Change
Exploration of three exciting lines of inquiry – organized around the concepts of experimentation, horizontal coordination, and vertical integration – signalling the need for greater attention to the politics and power relations that are shaping the global urban response.
Dead Sea Areas: Call for Better Management
The role of subsurface legacy sources that have lead to dead, zero-oxygen zones in the sea is assessed.
Gene Editing and Weed Management
Precise gene editing could control weed populations.
Let’s Get Connected: Understanding Braided River Morphodynamics
There are striking similarities between the structure of natural river networks and others found in systems as diverse as brains, roads and the communication technologies. Using a series of examples, the authors illustrate how a suite of graph theory-based metrics derived from diverse disciplines can be used to provide new insights into the structure and kinematics of braided river networks.
Plasma Can Treat The Painkillers That Are Killing Our Water
Degrading ibuprofen in water using a pulsed corona discharge.
Taming Godavari River: Navigating through Religious, Developmental and Environmental Narratives
Multiple socio-cultural and political imaginaries associated with the urban riverscapes, in India, are emphasizing the religious symbolism(s) of the river, and recently, are transforming riverscapes into sites of capital accumulation.