Polyurethane foam porosity affects the efficiency of ammonium removal from contaminated landfill leachate water.
Archaeologists Role in Water Management Issues
An opinion article addressing the unique professional understanding that archaeologists can contribute to contemporary water management.
Rapid, Low Cost Detection of E.coli and Shigella
A 16S rRNA targeting oligonucleotide probe to improve target organism specificity and lowers costs for detection of low-level E. coli/Shigella contamination.
Effect of Low-Dose Exposure to Bisphenol A on Breast Cancer
Effect of low-dose exposure to bisphenol A on carcinogenesis of breast cancer.
Solar-Powered Water Purifier
Students build an efficient and inexpensive still to produce drinking water which they call a “solar vapor generator”.
Ken Alston, Executive Advisory Board of Advanced Sustainable Systems on Cradle to Cradle Design
The editors of Advanced Sustainable Systems asked Ken Alston to briefly describe the idea behind Cradle to Cradle.
Chinese Wastewater Treatment
GE’s Water & Process Technologies upgrade a Chinese wastewater waterment plant.
Something Tastes Fishy: Granola Bars with Added Nutritional Benefits
Nothing fishy tasting here, reducing oxidation of fish oil extract in fortified granola bars.
Carbon-Paper on Foam:A New Hope for Super-Efficient Solar Still
Carbon-coated paper affixed to expanded polystyrene foam can be used to address the global freshwater shortage.
More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Tomatoes
You can chop ripe tomatoes and sprinkle them with salt and pepper to fully appreciate their taste. Alternatively, you can lyse tomatoes in a hypertonic buffer to appreciate their proteome.