Reaearchers from Texas A&M demonstrate a process to apply a super gas barrier to plastic packaging films using only polymers in a water-based solution
Vitamin D Deficiency – Genetics, Sunlight, or Diet?
An individual’s vitamin D level depends on their Vitamin D uptake from food and supplements, time outside in the sun, and their genetic disposition.
Quantifying the Fate of Metals and Metalloids During Water Storage in Aquifers
A probabilistic approach is applied to quantify metal(loid) fate in urban stormwater recycling via the aquifer.
Pro- or Anti- Inflammatory Effects of Caffeine
A recent report explores the pro- or anti-inflammatory effects of caffeine to gain a better understanding of the potential effects of coffee consumption on inflammation.
Green tea helps to fight over-eating
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the active compound in green tea, counteracts overeating brought about by consumption of excessive amounts of high-fat foods.
Reviews Special Issue in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
Check out the covers and top articles of the Reviews Special Issue in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
New product from culled fruits
The company Dörrwerk turns fruits that would normally end up as scrap in the garbage, into an eatable fruit paper.
Edible Electronics: An All-Food Supercapacitor for Medical Applications
A fully edible supercapacitor has been developed from food-grade materials by researchers in the USA.
Polymer solutions for food processing and consumer appliances
Solvay expands their portfolio of materials solutions targeting the manufacture of commercial food service equipment
Nano-sensor to be developed for commercial applications
An “electronic nose” sensor being commercialized by Innovation Economy Crowd (ieCrowd), will be further refined to detect deadly pathogens.