A new battery design not only provides energy,not only provides energy, but facilitates automatic surfacing and diving mechanisms in electronic, underwater equipment.
Sea meadows could help save coasts from erosion
Seagrass roots make underwater sand more resistant to strong waves and reduce coastal erosion by 70%.
Facial mask used to improve solar cells quality
A new manufacturing technique to grow perovskite crystals for high-performance solar cells uses “face masks” to minimize imperfections.
Electrolysis of seawater to make hydrogen
The direct electrolysis of seawater to make hydrogen has been shown in a lab-scale demonstration.
Back to the future with an ammonia economy
With a fossil fuel–derived climate catastrophe on our doorstep, many see ammonia as a possible alternative fuel source.
Finally, an anti-fizzing paper straw that doesn’t get soggy
Soggy, limp paper straws have for too long been the only option to minimize plastic waste, but a new, improved design will remedy this.
Where in the world will direct air capture be most effective?
With varying climate conditions around the world, where are the most cost-effective locations to deploy direct air capture facilities?
How do nanoplastics affect crop yield and nutrition?
From soil to the seed, nanoplastics were shown to accumulate in rice and peanuts with potential affects on crop yield and nutrition.
Ahead of COP27, scientists are pushing back against growing defeatism
A lot is riding on COP27, and while many are feeling the pull of cynicism, there are still many reasons to remain optimistic.
How wildfires are pushing mountain lions toward riskier behavior
What lessons can a threatened mountain lion population living within the bounds of Los Angeles teach about the future of conservation?