A new formulation for manufacturing organic solar panels exhibits an impressive, certified power conversion efficiency to help bring this technology closer to commercialization.

A new formulation for manufacturing organic solar panels exhibits an impressive, certified power conversion efficiency to help bring this technology closer to commercialization.
Conquering cloud and nighttime solar intermittency comes from the phenomenon of persistent photoconductivity observed in materials that contain sub-bandgap trap states.
A new machine learning strategy searches for desirable materials properties rather than building blocks, which researchers hope will lead to better materials to help spark a green economy.
Urbanization is threatening global water supplies, but finding a way to balance expansion with sustainable water management between nature, people, and the city water infrastructure.
Small changes in societies’ behaviors could lead to positive cascading effects that will mitigate climate change.
The Argentinean experience can inform experts on LEEN efforts to make industrial sectors more energy efficient in developing regions.
Can the Haber–Bosch process be green?
Oceanbird, a newly designed transatlantic car carrier, is powered by wind and could significantly reduce the carbon footprint of marine transportation.
Scientists question whether technologies such as desalination will create solutions to climate change or just shift the problem.
Researchers publish an up-to-date and easy-to-access platform with a global scope.