Mapping genetic connections between coral reefs allows scientists to identify and prioritize those acting as regional larval sources.

Mapping genetic connections between coral reefs allows scientists to identify and prioritize those acting as regional larval sources.
First living biosensor developed to study honeybee gut microbiome, providing insights into health and conservation.
Study uncovers stability hurdles in a promising lead-free solar cell material, signaling potential for a cleaner energy future.
Much of the world’s road and rail infrastructure is decades old, and future climate change will make it difficult to run and maintain.
Sunlight-activated floating photocatalysts offer accessible water purification, vital for remote regions and developing communities.
Using electrochemical sensors, this new device can be used to combat water pollution by detecting heavy metals, like lead.
Polymer chemist Athina Anastasaki talks about establishing her career, inroads into polymer recycling, and resilience in academia.
The new material rapidly transports lithium ions through its structure and could help make rechargeable lithium-ion batteries safer and more efficient.
Florian Jehn combines pragmatism with optimism when considering potential threats to human civilization.
Researchers are tackling the growing problem of electronic waste by designing wearable electronics from sustainable and recyclable materials.