Discover how cellulose may revolutionize flexible electronics, replacing plastics in eco-friendly, sustainable substrates for innovative devices.

Discover how cellulose may revolutionize flexible electronics, replacing plastics in eco-friendly, sustainable substrates for innovative devices.
The ongoing debate at COP28 over the phase out of fossil fuels is impeding efforts to address the severe impacts of climate change.
A revolutionary light-based tool decodes hover fly wing spectra in real time, addressing insect surveillance gaps to monitor the unfolding biodiversity crises.
A liquid metal encapsulated within bio-based shells allows researchers to “draw” functioning electronic circuits with ease.
A newly discovered material and its intriguing properties could pave the way for more efficient computing.
The sensor could improve crop yield by detecting changes in plant chlorophyll levels earlier and more precisely than existing methods.
This nanogenerator built from waste DVDs can generate electricity from gliding droplets of water.
Clouds have scrambled climate models for decades and researchers are doing something about it.
Swarms of iron-clad algae have been built to sweep through bodies of water to collect elusive bits of micro- and nanoplastics.
Through awareness and education, individuals may become more conscious of their future spending choices, ultimately contributing to the success of the right to repair movement.