Three potent antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 identified in healthy individuals decades ago raises interesting questions about their origins and evolution.

Three potent antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 identified in healthy individuals decades ago raises interesting questions about their origins and evolution.
Conservationist Merlin Tuttle protects bat populations worldwide through education and photography.
An all-hands-on-deck initiative aims to fast track innovative technologies to remove atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Pledges provide hope that the climate crisis is being taken seriously, but whether words will translate into reality is yet to be seen.
While stem cell therapies have been touted as “miracle cures”, data indicates that there are still hurdles keeping them out of the clinic.
A biorefinery built on the Red Planet could help produce rocket fuel required for a return journey, but some snags need to be worked through first.
The “Queen of Carbon” made her mark on solid state physics, but no less important is the impact she had as an inclusive and inspirational teacher.
This year’s COP26 conference will see delegations from across the globe collaborating on solutions to the climate crisis — here’s some of what their discussions should include.
Directly integrated photovoltaic–electrochemical devices could provide a viable path toward a green hydrogen economy.
Professor Madhu Bhaskaran creates devices to assess the biometrics of the human body and helps patients feel again.