What is the most effective way to compare researchers?

What is the most effective way to compare researchers?
A perenial source of controversy.
US scientists have found bacteria that converts toxic pollutants into less harmful substances, while generating electricity in the process.
Solar researchers have investigated whether it is economically viable for a solar thermal power plant to convert excess photovoltaic and wind power into heat and store it.
Scientists demonstrate the feasibility of chirality-encoded logic architectures.
Organ-on-a-chip technology allows for the study of caffeine transport across the placenta to the fetus during pregnancy.
For the first time, a research group successfully uses egg shells as an electrode for energy storage.
Yadong Yin on stimuli-responsive materials, the importance of science communication and future research plans.
Leti has developed a novel retinal-projection concept for augmented reality (AR) uses based on a combination of integrated optics and holography.
A combination of experiments and simulations show how woodpeckers are protected from concussion by the structure of their skull.