Orally administered nano-in-micro composites limit the undesirable side effects associated with other inflammatory bowel disease treatments.

Orally administered nano-in-micro composites limit the undesirable side effects associated with other inflammatory bowel disease treatments.
Smart materials for the construction of environmentally friendly buildings.
The health impacts of e-cigarette aerosols are not well known, including their effect on tracheal cells.
A novel polymer delivery system for gene therapy slows cancer growth.
Xinliang Feng on his passion for materials science and his curious nature that started it all.
Kilwon Cho is a materials scientist who hopes to see his research on organic electronics applied in everyday life.
Metal-free catalysts and the need for a sustainable present and future: meet Professor Liming Dai.
Polymers, specifically the biopolymer hyaluronic acid, could provide a better alternative to surgical sutures and staples for wound closure and healing.
We all see the smoke; can we afford to ignore the fire? The climate doomsday clock is ticking!
Paul Shearing of UCL explains thermal runaway observed in lithium-based battery systems, and comments on its mitigation and the future of battery safety.