Tuneable micro-structured surfaces could overcome the limitations of current unchangeable components that result in “static” optical devices.

Tuneable micro-structured surfaces could overcome the limitations of current unchangeable components that result in “static” optical devices.
As glaciers melt, groundwater springs become active and start to release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
Microsystems engineer Can Dincer builds disposable devices to enable personalized medicine.
There’s a fascinating link between the structure of bone and LK-99
Reversible fabric for heating and cooling lowers the cost of indoor climate control and reduces CO2 emissions.
Researchers are working to decrease the patient discomfort experienced during vaccination
A new device can detect Salmonella on individual products in real-time and with minimal need for laboratory equipment or specialized operators.
Fermions forming pairs? It’s just a matter of getting the conditions right.
Using quasars as ticking cosmic clocks, scientists took a journey back in time, discovering time progressed five times slower just after the Big Bang.
A partially edible robot based on a fully edible sensor addresses the burden of electronic waste while simultaneously acting as a nutrition source.