The possibilities of using photoacoustic techniques as a versatile tool for lympathic-related clinical applications is discussed.
Using Raman Spectroscopy To Assess Brittle Bones
A team of American researchers tested the possibilites of using Raman spectroscopy to assess collagen structure or collagen integrity in bone.
Cover Art–Drug‐Eluting Stents, Flexible Sensors & Bioimaging
Check out the latest covers of Advanced Healthcare Materials!
Smart Sensors–Mechanistic and Data Driven Modeling: A Conference
On the 1st and 2nd of October 2018 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, experts from academia and industry, suppliers and users will discuss how smart sensors can promote “biotechnology 4.0”.
Gooey Electronic Devices as Neural Probes
Ultracompliant hydrogel-based multielectrode arrays as neural probes.
Detecting DNA Point Mutations
The ability to readily detect point mutations could have a profound impact on the way that genetic diseases are diagnosed.
Machine Learning for Bioinformatics and Neuroimaging
Machine Learning (ML) is a well‐known paradigm that refers to the ability of systems to learn a specific task from the data and aims to develop computer algorithms that improve with experience.
Materials for Healthcare: Virtually All Advances
Cutting-edge research from Advanced Heathcare Materials assembled in Virtual Issues.
Assembly Required: A User-Friendly Approach to Paperfluidic Point-of-Care Devices
A team of researchers construct a library of pre-fabricated, reusable paperfluidic blocks for point-of-care diagnostic devices.
New Ultra‐Low‐Cost Smartphone Sensor To Diagnose Autoimmune Disease
American researchers designed a smartphone octo‐channel optosensor (SOS) for low‐cost low‐volume lab tests as a mHealth diagnostic tool.