A team of Dutch scientist report the use of ultrasound modulated optical tomography (UOT) with heterodyne parallel detection to locally sense and image blood flow deep inside a highly scattering medium.
Advanced Materials Interfaces: Enter the ‘Hall of Fame’
Advanced Materials Interfaces launches its new invited-only review ‘Hall of Fame’. All included papers are free to read for a limited time!
Tools for Protein Science Special Issue
Protein Science has published a Special Issue on Tools for Protein Science edited by Brian Matthews from the University of Oregon. Data analysis in life and physical sciences has come a long way since the development of high-power, high-speed computers, and computer...
Successfully Detecting Cows’ Milk Allergen
Advances in detecting a certain milk protein could help distinguish between the commonly confused dairy allergy and lactose intolerance.
Cover Art – Nanoparticle Delivery, Implants, Cell Culture Platforms and Microscaffolds
Latest Advanced Healthcare Materials covers.
CD4 T-Cell Immunophenotyping for HIV/AIDS Research
For nearly 35 years, CD4 T-cells and their immunephenotyping and enumeration were the focal points of HIV/AIDS research.
Cytometric Phenotyping and Other Tools for the Clinicians
Cytometry Part A published ISAC-Cytometry Part A Mentorship Program Special Section: New Developments in Cytometric Phenotyping, Guest Edited by ISAC Marylou Ingram Scholars Kewal Asosingh from Cleveland Clinic, USA, Katarzyna Piwocka from Nencki Institute of...
Multimodal Agent for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Chunmeng Shi and co-workers from the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, China, introduce a small-molecule-based cancer theranostic agent for simultaneous cancer-cell mitochondrial targeting, NIR imaging, and chemo-/PDT/PTT/multimodal therapeutic activities.
Predicting Kidney Transplant Outcome with Raman Spectroscopy
American scientists demonstrated the utility of SERS measurements of urine from deceased donors and associated PCA-LDA analysis as a potential tool to predict kidney transplant outcomes.
From Polymers to Functional Biomaterials
A new special issue in Macromolecular Bioscience highlights emerging applications of polymers for the synthesis of functional biomaterials.