Nanotechnology has emerged as an innovative tool in medicine that could alter the landscape in relation to disease treatment and prevention.
Inhalable Nanotherapeutics for Common Lung Diseases
Many nanomaterials can be used to develop inhalable nanomedicines that can be administered with various aerosolization devices.
Nobel Prizes 2019: Physiology or Medicine
Nobel Prize for Medicine winners William Kaelin, Peter Ratcliffe, and Gregg Semenza “uncover a fundamental mechanism of life”.
Pioneers in Science: Gertrude B. Elion
Advanced Science News highlights the achievements of Gertrude Elion for her ground-breaking work in rational drug design.
Thermochemotherapy, Helical Hydrogels, and More
Since 2012, Advanced Healthcare Materials has been bringing you the latest breakthroughs in biomedical materials science with a strong focus on improving human health, and it will continue to do so in 2019. We therefore have launched virtual issues on five hot topics...
Hybrid Modeling to Address Cancer Complexity
State of the art of mathematical hybrid modeling of cancer development and treatment.
Don’t Go With The Flow
Engineered bacteria anchor inside the intestines, for treatment of gastrointestinal damage.
3D Modeling of Blood–Brain Barrier Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease
A physiologically relevant 3D model to investigate several key aspects of blood–brain barrier dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease and provide a standardized platform for drug screening.
Digging Holes in Biofilm
Nanoparticles can be used to destroy a common bacterial defense mechanism.
Biodegradable Circuits for Wireless Implantable Devices
Mg-based microresonators for wirelessly powered biodegradable medical implants.