An overview of the most recent literature relevant to mRNA delivery helps readers to obtain an overall concept and direction of nanoscale platforms for mRNA delivery.
Cover Art – Microrobots for Cell & Drug Delivery and Synthetic Cells
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BET Proteins and Nrf2: Studying their Interplay May Offer New Therapeutic Opportunities
In their “Hypothesis” article published in BioEssays, Nirmalya Chatterjee and Dirk Bohmann discuss the interplay between Nrf2 and BET proteins and the resultant implications for therapies targeting these proteins.
Essential Oils as Antimicrobial Agents
Essential oils could provide a potential solution for the growing problem of multidrug-resistant organisms.
Happy Birthday Tongji University
Guest-edited by Yunhui Huang, the special issue “110th Anniversary of Tongji University” in Advanced Materials celebrates the long tradition of Tongji University and some of its top materials scientists.
In Situ Vaccination in Cancer Immunotherapy
In situ vaccination therapy has immense potential in cancer treatment for clinical use. To date, in situ vaccination is already used to treat bladder cancer and melanoma, and with further study could become an important approach to expand immune-based cancer treatment.
Elastomers in Targeted Delivery of Tumor-Fighting Drug Paclitaxel
Drug eluting elastomers could potentially control tumor growth using long-term targeted release of tumor fighting drugs.
Rainbow Correction: Contact Lenses for Color Blindness
The viability of colored contact lenses as an aid for color blindness is investigated.
Cover Art – Nanoparticles against Cancer and Biofabrication for Nerve Regeneration
Check out the latest covers of Advanced Healthcare Materials!
Bubbles and Ultrasound to Fight Cancer
Cone-shaped gold nanoparticles are activated by ultrasonic waves, with applications in cost-effective targeted drug delivery.