Lead nanoparticle-based product, NBTXR3, shows positive phase 1 intermin results in patients with Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS).
Company launches nano-impedance biosensor for cancer treatment
Pharmaco-Kinesis Corporation have announced their first commercialized offering, the first-generation Nano-Impedance Biosensor (NIB).
Magneto-electric nanoparticles deliver anti-HIV drug to the brain
Nanoparticles can cross the blood-brain barrier and send a significantly increased level of AZTTP to HIV-infected cells.
New nanoparticles for anti-inflammation drug delivery
New particles give potential approach to treating atherosclerosis and other chronic inflammatory diseases.

siRNA delivery by polymeric micelles for tumor treatment
Polymeric micelles have been reviewed by a Chinese research team, who looked at their use in siRNA delivery and nanomedicine.
Nanoparticles deliver drugs directly to cancerous tumors
A new study published shows how nanoparticles can be combined to secure the effective delivery of cancer drugs to tumour cells.

Improving implant bone bonding with bioactive film coating
Researchers from North Carolina State University have for the first time successfully coated polymer implants with a bioactive film.

Reviewing Colloidal Systems for Cancer Therapy
Polymer colloidal systems have been reviewed by a University of Nottingham research team for their use in cancer therapy.

Drug delivery nanoparticles camouflaged by white blood cells
New functionalization may prevent the body from recognizing and destroying particles used in drug-delivery systems.

Nanoparticle drug delivery system under development at University of Texas
UT Arlington and UT Southwestern partner to help lung disease patients through nano drug delivery.